Wednesday, September 8, 2010

deep conversations

Now that Niamh is three, there are times where I undoubtedly overestimate the quality of conversation we can have.

Sure, she looks more and more like a little girl. Her English has caught up to her Chinese, and there are times where I'm completely blown away at how much she understands.

Yet, we can't quite seem to connect on a meaningful level, or really 'talk' to each other yet.

Here's what happened this morning,
Me: Hey, I heard from your teacher you are in the school play! How exciting, what are you?
Niamh: pi pi (meaning butt in Chinese or, bum bum as it repeats)
Me: Uh huh, ok, well that's a little silly. Do you get to sing and dance?
Niamh: pi pi!!!!!
Me: Are you maybe a tree in the play?
Niamh: pi pi!
Me: I heard that you get a costume, that's exciting. What are you going to be?
Niamh: pi pi!
Me: Ok, I don't think you are a pi pi in the play. Do you like the singing and dancing? What is your favorite part?
Niamh: I wiggle my pi pi!!!!!!!!!!!! (insert dancing, girating child in her underwear jumping on my bed)
Me: Ok, good talk.
So I had a conversation with my daughter, in which all my questions were answered with the word 'butt'.


Niamh in full pi pi mode


Unknown said...

hahahah! I WIGGLE MY PI PI!! miss you guyss

Anonymous said...

Can she sing Frère Jacques in Chinese? The last part goes 一只没有尾巴一只没有眼睛很奇怪很奇怪 or yi zhi meiyou weiba, yi zhi meiyou yanjing, hen qiguai, hen qiguai. For those unfamiliar with the song, it is about two tigers and then end says "One doesn't have a tail, one doesn't have eyes, how strange, how strange," except, I recall a two year old singing it stating that one, or maybe both of them didn't have a pi pi.

Dalton said...

That is so funny you mention that about the Frère Jacques song in Chinese, my daughter sings this song all the time, and I always thought, why is she saying 'hen qiguai' it sounds like she is saying 'its so strange' - but of course, that is such a departure from the English and French versions, that I assumed I simply didn't understand or had heard wrong. I think there must be some 'pi pi' song at school, because this obsession originated when we were still living in Beijing, and there is a whole song and dance that goes with it! haha