Thursday, November 4, 2010

a lot can happen in five minutes

Sunday is family day, which is really our own personal re-branding of "Ayi's Day Off."

Generally, we leave our house open so Niamh and the dog can go in-and-out freely as they play (read: run around like lunatics). Our yard is fenced in and our front gate has a latch up high that Niamh can't reach, so this system works well.

I spent five minutes in the kitchen cleaning up, and then went to look for Niamh.

The scene: one guess what had transpired!

Caught in the act:

Reaction to being told that she isn't supposed to play with the hose:

Pretending to clean up the mess:

Oh elusive hose, you are such a siren!


Melanie Gao said...

"Sunday is family day, which is really our own personal re-branding of "Ayi's Day Off."

Too funny Dalton! Right now we're experiencing 3 weeks of family time since Ayi has gone to her hometown because her mother-in-law died. Again. She died earlier this summer but "came back to life".

Dalton said...

Mel that is hilarious, and obviously horrendous too. One should only have to lose a parent once - and likewise we can only take so much family time... :-)