Saturday, September 11, 2010

the beauty secret

This is my dressing table, its full of all sorts of mystical treasures. Makeup, perfume, deodorant, headbands, hair clips, curlers, and sometimes, even nail polish.

As long as Niamh has been alive, this has been an 'off-limits' zone. Only problem is, she is obsessed with it, and everything in it.

Not only is it full of a million things she isn't supposed to touch, including breakable items, but it is often left unsupervised and doesn't have the latest surveillance technology to protect it from unauthorized intruders. Basically, we would need a motion detector to stop Niamh from breaking in.

So far, such break ins have resulted in:
  • bright red lipstick on her face,
  • Niamh painting the parquet floors with nail polish the second day in this house
  • stolen headbands that she now claims as her own
  • benetint blush on her lips and face
Today, she locked herself in our room and was very quiet. As Dom and I were banging on the door counting to the elusive number 3, she opened the door and looked a little like deer in headlights.

After inspecting her up close, I could smell a faint breezy scent, and see an ever so slight white glaze on her lips.

Needless to say, Niamh has a new beauty 'secret'...

What a delicious lesson!

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