Wednesday, November 10, 2010

is this an IP issue?

I'm guessing that Louis Vuitton is not making a foray into the fledgling auto industry.

But this was snapped at a Target in West Hollywood:

This raises several questions for me:

  1. Why is someone masquerading in a LV car, shopping at Target? You aren't fooling anyone.
  2. If LV was going to make a car, I'm pretty sure it would be some saucy, small bitch-mobile and not a clunky sedan. Just sayin'.
  3. LV is pretty clear about their stance on fake purses, maybe they forgot to specify using their signature pattern on cars is an IP violation?
Either way, I'm sure the big guys in Paris did not giggle over this as much as I did!


Unknown said...


Dalton said...

gives new meaning to the term 'ridin dirty'

Melanie Gao said...

That is too funny! So glad you snapped a picture of that, otherwise I would not have believed you. :)