For our wedding gift, Dom's parents got us a very nice camera. This is a HUGE step up for us in the world, as we've had a little digital camera that has the battery flap hanging open, needs to be charged after 10 photos, and is, if we're honest, a little outdated. I think its one of the earlier digital camera models we bought back in 2004...
This gift, of course, is a wise choice for the grandparents, and I've jokingly said that if we don't send X amount of pictures of Niamh a month, we'll have to give it back. The truth is, we're very excited about it, as using our old camera made catching her at the right moment very tricky, given the delay and the camera's tendency to blur images in motion - and our 15 month old is ALWAYS in motion!
Today, Dom unpacked the new toy, and shot some test photos of Niamh. This is what he got. She's into the camera now that you can show her the photos of herself on the digital display - but I swear, we've created a monster! Dom says she gets the posing from me, and the pot belly from him. I'm biased, but I think our little monster is pretty damn cute.
1 comment:
Pretty darn cute is an understatement. She is ADORABLE!
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