Friday, December 5, 2008

ancient buzz

Researchers in China's Xinjiang province have uncovered the world's oldest stash of marijuana, when they found a 2,700 year-old ancient tomb containing 789 grams of high-potency pot - which today would be worth about $8,000!

Ancient seed found in tomb

Experts think the tomb may have belonged to a Yuezhi shaman, who was likely buried with the weed to use in the afterlife. Yuezhi were the Caucasian, Indo-European people who used to live in Xinjiang centuries ago. Xinjiang is China's North-Western province that borders Afghanistan and who's current inhabitants, Uighurs, are ethnically closer to the 'stans' than to the Chinese.

It is believed that the the shaman may have thrown amounts of marijuana onto bonfires to induce a trance-like experience.

Whatever its use, 789 grams is a lot of pot! Even by today's standards, which leads us to believe that this particular shaman was definitely living the high-life!

The potent-pot is tested for levels of THC

For more information, click here.

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