Friday, March 27, 2009

twitter twatter jibber jabber

Lately a lot of people seem to be asking me about twitter. Personally, I love twitter. I follow a lot of journalists, bloggers and media groups on there, and its currently one of my favorite ways to read news. I seem to find interesting stories quicker, with less digging around.

Having said this, I can assure you that I'm not an interesting person to follow on twitter, and I only really post an update on 'what I'm doing' when something funny happens. For reasons that possibly need further investigating, this almost always occurs while I'm in a cab. But that's another discussion.

I found this video on youtube about twitter, and although I love reading tweets, I see the reality of personal twitter users to be a bit like this video. Does this mean I'm grouping myself into this same category - yes?! The shame...

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